He isn't as strong as he seems.
Behind your man's strong facade may lie uncertainty and the fear of failing.
Sometimes, he is unsure about what he should do in a situation and feels inadequate to provide solutions or comfort, but he masks his insecurities and 'act tough'.
So what can we do?
For starters, don't taunt him or tear him down when he tries to help.
Rather, encourage and affirm him by showing your appreciation, especially in front of others!
How you look matters to him.
Dressing up for your man is one of the way of showing how much you respect and love him.
We're not saying doll up to the nines just to eat dinner at the nearby kopitiam, but some basic personal grooming can go a long way.
If you think you're fat, don't just complain-do something about it!
A man does gets frustrated when the woman in his life anguishes endlessly about her appearance.
He Loves You.
If there is one thing a man most wishes you knew about him, it's that he really loves you.
Often, he may want to express his feelings to you, but he worries that he will not do a good job.
To make things easier for him, let him know what makes you feel most loved!
Appreciate him for the times he does try to show his love for you.
She can't shut out her emotions.
Surprising fact: Most women are like Macs, and most men are like PCs!
Like a Mac, there can be many 'windows' open (thoughts & feelings) on the screen of a woman's mind at any one time.
VS the 'PC' mindset of a man, who is able to close each 'window' on his screen before going on to the next one.
(On the other hand, that's why most women can multitask, and most men can't!)
DON'T say "Just don't think about it." (She can't.)
Instead, listen, reassure and ancourage her in any action that needs to be taken to resolve her concern.
She wants your empathy.
"I don't want you to fix the problem; I just want you to listen!"
Sound familiar?
What she FEELS about the problem is actually more important to her than the problem itself.
The problem is not the problem; the feeling is the problem.
You need to learn to filter out the problem to focus on her feelings.
Only after you have acknowledged her feelings will she want to focus on working on a solution.
She needs to feel loved.
Most women are insecure about whether their man really loves them.
Whenever this insecurity is triggered, she may respond in ways that confuse or dismay you, until she feels reassured.
Constant romancing of your woman, whether in little or big ways, will tell her that you desire and care for her, thus lessening her feelings of insecurity.
Based on the books "For men only" and "For women only".